I sent Rachel and Nicole to the local grocery store to get a couple of things for me, and look what they came home with! I guess they were about to cut off the poor ugly bull-frog's head, and they couldn't stand for that! They wanted to keep him in their tub, but I told them to set him free. They did in a small pond here in Dong Jiao Guesthouse. I'm sure that the workers that saw them put him there, have already taken him home for dinner, but don't tell Rachel and Nicole!
We went Bowling at the little bowling ally in our complex for family night. We aren't good, but we had fun! Way to go Cailtin and Jay!
These are the hostess and waiters and our special meal put on by Caitlin, Jay, and Eli complete with mood music, menus, and after-dinner entertainment
Big Thumbs up! We recommend Papa Russon's Grub Rub on all of your grilling meats! If you can get past the picture of Papa eating the duck brains on the front of the jar, it's pretty great stuff!