Saturday was International Day at the school. It snowed lots on Friday night, so there was a much lower turn-out than normal. It took our driver 2 hours longer than normal to get to our house. But we made it. Expats from different countries put together a room about their country and hand out food samples. People go all out, and the food is always amazing! The Americans did a Grease theme this year. We all dressed up in 50's style and there was a juke-box, and a little diner in one corner where we gave out mini-hamburgers and chips with sodas. They had hula-hoop contests, and the art department made us a "Grease Lightening" car. It was really cute. There is a program at the end of international day, and the Americans did a medley of "grease" songs and we danced and did lip-sinc. All of the kids and I were in it, with Nicole playing Frenchy with pink hair, and Caitlin playing the part of Sandy. Eli danced with his school teacher who is American (he just loves her) and had a ball. Here are some photos from International Day.
Here, some of the "T"Birds are getting "Grease Lightening" ready. Pretty cool Jay.
Eli and Miss Karen are dancing pretty good.
Rachel and Jay help with the hand Jive.
Here's our Beauty-school Drop-out!
Caitlin and Devon made a pretty good Sandy and Danny! She was a bit nervous about how short he was compared to her.
Mike and I thought we'd go on a quick date while we were there...