Happy Birthday Eli!
We played the game where you have to put on gloves, a scarf, and ear-muffs while people roll the dice. Then, as they keep rolling, you try with a knife and fork to open the package, and cut one small square at a time to eat, before the next person rolls a six and continues on where you left off. Very funny!
Next, we played a game my Australian friends told me about called Fluffy Bunny. You see how many marshmellows you can stuff in your mouth and still be able to say, "fluffy bunnies". Well, all I can say, is that those who have Mike's genes did very well in this game! I felt a little sorry for my Australian friends...they only know how to play fluffy bunny and don't know what S'mores are. I think we got the better part of the deal... Well, the game was pretty funny, too.
Other exciting things that have gone on in the last couple of weeks, are a trip to Tianjin, by Rachel and Nicole for the high school volleyball tournament. They didn't win many matches, but they had a lot of fun. Nicole received a bite from what the doctor thinks was a spider. That was pretty exciting. The poison spread to about 5 inches in diameter, which was a little scary, but a little cool, too. I think she may be disappointed it is shrinking. She said, " If they have to cut of my leg, can I hold it?" That's our Nicole.
The dots on her leg are permanent marker that the doctor put on so that we could track if it grew...it did.
We went to the Halloween party at the school the other night. Jay and Eli dressed up and a vampire and Ninja. Nicole was "retro" of course, and she played 3 songs with her band. She is the drummer, and is getting pretty good! Especially for never really playing before. Caitlin dressed up, but I don't really know what to call her. Was in all orange and black. I wore all black and wore a really long dark brown wig. Nicole and I danced (there was sort of a dance going on) and it was really funny, because all of the kids kept coming up to me and staring, trying to figure out who I was. I thought it was really brave of Nicole to keep dancing with me when they found out it was her Mom!
Rachel, Nicole and Caitlin will all head out for their trip-week. Rachel goes to Yangshuo tomorrow, Caitlin will camp with Outward Bound in Wuxi, and Nicole will leave on the night-train tonight to JingdeZhen. They should all have a good week.
Well, the next birthday of the Month is Rachel, who will be 16! My baby is 7 and my oldest is 16. It's so hard to believe.